by ineclectico | Aug 10, 2020 | Business
Among the biggest changes of modern academic standards is the shift in the burden of general literacy. Rather than only ‘writing teachers,’ teaching reading and writing, now all teachers across all content areas are being asked to do so (something we’ve talked...
by ineclectico | Aug 10, 2020 | Video & Tips
For every person reading this quick preview, probably 18 more skimmed right past, busy trying to survive right here, right now. This makes sense. Even when it does get attention, it is often bursting with rhetoric and emotion—discussed in tones of enthusiasm (we...
by ineclectico | Aug 10, 2020 | Video & Tips
While technology opens new horizons for education at home, adapting to this is more challenging. What are the pros and cons of remote teaching technology? Education is one of the sectors hardest hit by the COVID-19 lockdown with social distancing measures meaning...
by ineclectico | Aug 10, 2020 | Video & Tips
Social Learning: A Way of Life With the Internet exploding with information resources and tools for learning, teachers can be facilitators of information with a greater emphasis on explanation and critical thinking as opposed to the dissemination source. Formal...